「 H E L I 」
社会人となってからは様々な職種を経験した後、革に携わるようになり、現在のハンドメイドブランド「HELI ヘリクリサム」を立ち上げました。
"Artistic leather accessories that add color to your everyday life, like flowers and paintings" You want to choose something you can grow to love because it's something you use every day. At HELI, we make artistic leather accessories that will make your daily life just that little bit more fun. We deliver products that are all handmade in our own atelier, from the design to the dyeing of the leather, cutting, and sewing.
I have loved drawing since I was a chi ld, and al l my textbooks were ful l of doodles. When I was 10 years old, an uncle who was an oi l painter in my neighborhood taught me oi l paint ing.
I was lucky enough to have my first oi l paint ing exhibi ted at an exhibi t ion.
His father, who was a woodworker at the t ime, was so happy that he made a frame for the oi l paint ing as a commemorat ion.
Decades later, that oi l paint ing st i l l hangs in my studio.
When I 'm stuck at work, I somet imes look at that oi l paint ing and remember the origin of art ist ic creat ion and reset my mind. When I was a student , I became interested in art from the Art Nouveau period in late 19th century Europe, and the art of Wi l l iam Morris, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Gustav Kl imt had a great influence on me.
After entering the workforce, I gained experience in a variety of jobs, and then became involved in leather, and launched my current handmade brand, HELI Chryssum. Everything from design to leather dyeing, cut t ing, and sewing is done in our atel ier. There's a saying that goes, "If you love something, you become good at it," and for me, drawing pictures and making things are things I can engross myself in and forget about eating and sleeping.
That's why I want to continue creating artistic things at "HELI," and make exciting things that will make the daily lives of as many people as possible just a little more enjoyable.